Our District
A Hub of Diversity, Culture, and Community.

Welcome to the 16th District!
Our district is made up of 24 towns, cities, and villages, including parts of three Chicago wards. Our district goes as south as Bridgeview and as North as Leyden Township, from southwest Chicago to Hillside on our western border, with so many wonderful people, towns and activities to do in between.
Our District has seven townships - Cicero, Berwyn, Proviso, Lyons, Stickney, Riverside, and Leyden - bringing in a diverse group of people, businesses, organizations, and amenities.
We are a heavily Latine district with a large percentage of Spanish-only speakers, and so, we must ensure all our materials and resources are accessible for those who do not speak English as their first language. We are a district of small businesses, filling up our communities with restaurants, stores, and services.
We are a district of public spaces. One of the crown jewels of Cook County, Brookfield Zoo, is located in the 16th District. We are filled with vibrant public squares, with live music, with farmer’s markets, block parties, and so much more.
Have questions?
We’ve got answers.
Cook County Commissioners are responsible for developing policy and managing budgets for:
Cook County Forest Preserves
Cook County Property Tax System
Cook County Public Health Department
Cook County Jails and Sheriff’s Office
Cook County Roads and Transportation
Unincorporated Areas of Cook County
You May Join Our Newsletter at the bottom of this page.
You May Follow Us on Facebook HERE
For information regarding Cook County’s Court System, visit the Circuit Court of Cook County’s website:
For questions regarding Property Taxes, you may visit the Cook County Assessor’s website:
You may also visit the Board of Review’s website:
For questions regarding the County Clerk’s office, you may visit their website:
For information regarding Cook County Health and Hospitals, visit their website:
Where we are
District Map
View a PDF version of the district's boundaries here. These resources will give you a clear visual of the district's layout and communities it encompasses.
Click to enlarge